lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Innovación en el sector financiero: La Revolución FinTech

Gracias a la tecnología digital, a la telefonía móvil y a las herramientas de la llamada economía colaborativa, existe una solución Fintech para cada parte de la cadena de valor de un banco, desde el front-office hasta el back-office y toda la infraestructura intermedia. Es por esto que el número de empresas Fintech y la variedad de servicios que ofrecen representan un serio riesgo de disrupción o desintermediación para las instituciones financieras que no se reinventen a tiempo.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

A bad decision is better than no decision

As the saying goes: “Procrastination is the thief of time.” Far too many great ideas have fallen flat or lost momentum, because the options that were open disappeared during the decision making process.

Almost all entrepreneurs will acknowledge that success in business comes from timing. So, when you get an opportunity, you've got to go for it wholeheartedly, not wait in the wings for some imaginary perfect time to materialise.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

The Amazon Go store is a crazy high tech shopping experience

Imagine scanning your phone when you walk into the grocery store, doing all your shopping, and then just walking out. No lines, no scanning your items, no bagging. That’s how the Amazon Go store works.

Amazon Dash Button! 

Amazon Dash is a consumer goods ordering service which uses a proprietary device for ordering goods over the Internet.