Just to be clear, I’m not bashing the technologies behind big data (both established and brand new) – I think they’re amazing. These technologies have been built to tackle the unique challenges that big data poses and can help organisations get more out of their big data today than ever before.
What I’ve been hearing from customers and prospects, especially in Europe and Asia where I travel most, is that they need help in firstly understanding what technologies are available today (they change and are added to so frequently that it’s a struggle to keep up), how they should be integrated and deployed (how can the “new” kids play with the “old”?) and ultimately help in providing the project management and delivery experience that many of their new “big data” teams are missing.
The importance of big data isn’t being called into question in many of these firms. In fact, many have great ideas on how big data can help open up new market opportunities. But the problem they face is how to move projects from their test and development environment to day-to-day operations.
You see, the problem is that brilliant though these big data technologies are, a lot of companies are struggling to make the tech work for them, in part because of a lack of professional direction but also a lack of experienced data management and technology practitioners!
NOTE CREDIT: http://www.forbes.com/sites/teradata/2016/01/20/why-bigger-is-better-when-it-comes-to-big-data/#10c6a0213f68