martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

6 Must Have Marketing Tools When Starting a New Business

So you want to start a business? There’s definitely a few Marketing Tools you’re going to need to get started. I know you’re wondering, well, what exactly do I need? There’s an enormous amount of marketing materials out there that you can choose from, but you want to choose the best ones that will give you the best return and fit best for your company. And if you’re just getting started you don’t need a ton of stuff.

Here are 5 must have marketing tools that all entrepreneurs and small businesses need:

A Logo

First, and foremost, you’re going to need a logo. Your logo is how clients will identify with your brand and know who you are. This is the first thing that customers and clients will think of when they think of you. Having a great logo also makes your business look more professional and established.

Business Cards

Your business card is typically the first thing a new client sees when you are introducing your company to a person, face to face. This is especially true when you’re at an event or just out and about and someone asks you, ‘What do you do?’ Having a business card is a key way to connect with people. It has all your important information on it such as your logo, your contact information, and most importantly, who you are.


If you are starting a new business, you must absolutely have a website. Not having a website may deter prospective new clients. If businesses don’t have a website it makes them seem unreliable or unprofessional. Not only does a great website attract new clients and adds an online presence to your company, it adds credibility and will make your business look more established.

Marketing Piece (Flyer, Brochure, Email Blast, etc.)

Not every business is going to need these, and it’s ok if you don’t. However, you’re going to need a follow up item in order to stay connected with your audience. Either of these items will work for any business, it’s your choice (along with the research to learn what works for your audience) that will help you select the best marketing tools for you. It can be as simple as a company sending a simple note to a previous client as follow up, which insures can insure a new prospect doesn’t forget that company. Whoever you choose to stay in touch with is your choice as long as you stay in touch. The key to making this work is by staying consistent. It can be overwhelming staying in touch with so many companies, but an easy way to get around this is to create a system with a clear follow up process, that way you never forget.

Social Media

Social Media is a great marketing tool, especially in this day and age. People all over the world are on social media, so, you should be too. Social media is the best way to build brand recognition, and repeat exposure, in order to let people know who you are and what you do. As you build exposure for your brand it allows you to influence others and create partnerships. The more influence and exposure you have, the more people will come to check you out. Not only will they check you out, they will believe in your brand’s credibility. You may not realize this but by having a great social media platform you’re already ahead of the game. Most clients are checking you out before you even know it. Just think, if you went to someone’s social media accounts and saw that they weren’t updated in months, would you proceed? Probably not. I know I wouldn’t. If you have no recent work to show, how will I know that your skills have gotten any better or just as good as they were before? Remember, social media is forever growing, this is not just a fad. Even if you’re not on social media daily, make sure you constantly update your content to ensure customers that you are current and they want your services. Also you want to take into account that this is a competition and most companies aren’t using social media correctly. So, if you learn how to use it effectively you will always win. However, if you are not using social media properly, or want to avoid it all together, your competition now has the opportunity to capture your audience first


You are your biggest marketing tool; without you, the ship will not sail. Yes, you may have a great logo, you may also have the hottest website there is but YOU ARE YOUR BRAND! You have to speak for your brand in order for it to speak for itself. Once consumers realize who you are and what you do they will now associate the brand with you. Just because you have a great website it doesn’t mean you’re a success. Without you, it means nothing. Who’s going to get traffic to your website? You are. Who’s going to build your social media presence? You are. Who’s going to pass out the many business cards and brochures and flyers you ordered? You guessed it, you are! Sure you may hire someone to do all of that but you must first train them to mimic you. Also be mindful of the work you put out and the reputation you gain for yourself. You never want to leave a bad taste in your clients’ mouths because, the biggest way to gain clients is by word of mouth. Word of mouth means everything, people choose who to trust by gaining information from others; they didn’t come up with reviews for nothing!

Now it’s time for you to start building your brand. Take these tools, put them into action and let us know if they were useful, we’d love your feedback.