jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Why Standing Out is More Important than Ever

Your Personal Buzz

Recently, I shared my observations about all things honey.  A honey festival demonstrated that it’s possible to differentiate almost anything—at least from my uninitiated view of the product.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” –Dr. Seuss

Differentiate YOU

That amazing array of honey products got me thinking about personal brand.  We are all at a fair of sorts.  Whether the marketplace or in your social circles, there are many others competing for time, for opportunity.  How do YOU differentiate YOU?

Most of us don’t think about a conscious plan for standing out.  We have learned to blend in.  But great leaders stand out.  Work that is extraordinary captures our attention.  If you fail to stand out, you will be passed over at promotion time.  Overlooked in the marketplace.  Ignored for the most important opportunities.

“Great leaders stand out.” –Skip Prichard

Some work stands out so much that it generates that viral buzz that the media savors.  If it makes you uncomfortable just thinking about that type of attention, I have good news.  It often is tiny differences that make the big difference.  Success often happens at the margin.  If your work is only slightly better, you have an enormous advantage.  Often we look with interest at the shocking or spectacular, but settle for purchasing or consuming something closer to our version of normal.  The choice we make, however, is usually one that is just ahead of the competition.

Are you a leader?  Leaders do not blend in.  They don’t hide their unique qualities.

"Be the one to stand out in the crowd.” –Joel Osteen

Are you a blogger? More than the look and feel of your blog is the personal touch, the sharing, the authentic voice.

Do you have an upcoming speech?  Share a personal story or do something that no one else would do.

Seeking a promotion or a job?  Standing out is as simple as consistently outperforming expectations.

“Being outstanding is good, but standing out is better.” –Olaotan Fawehinmi

Standing out does not equal self-promotion.  It doesn’t mean the outrageous.  It’s often just at the edge, at the margin that makes the difference.

“Success happens at the margin where others are absent.” –Skip Prichard

“When you don’t fit in, be sure to stand out.” -Johnnie Dent

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” -John Mason

You can create results with small differences or by truly standing out.  What do you do better than anyone else?

NOTE CREDIT: http://www.skipprichard.com/why-standing-out-is-more-important-than-ever/?utm_content=buffer9f9fe&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer