lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Vision Board: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Many entrepreneurs use vision boards and swear by them! So what in the world is a vision board and how does it work?

A vision board is usually a large piece of cardboard that has visual cut outs of what you aspire to be, do or have when you are successful. It is based on the law of attraction…what you put out there is constantly working and will eventually deliver those thing to you. Visualizing what you want is considered to be an even stronger connection and why so many recommend creating them. This picture describes the how to’s pretty good.

There are a lot of creative ways to build vision boards these days. I found this interesting resource on Pinterest!

There are even apps out there that will allow you to build visions via your phone!

Vision Board Apps

Jack Canfield’s Vision Board – “Vision Board App is a fun and powerful visualization tool that will support you in reaching your goals and help put the Law of Attraction to work for you every day. We make it easy for you to create your vision board(s) and fully customize it with images, inspiring affirmations and more. You can even combine music and your voice recording to turbo-charge your results. The possibilities are truly endless!”

Vision Board – “This powerful tool is the Vision Board (visualization board, wishes map). If you want to be happy, get out of a harmful habit, get rich, find your love then the Vision Board will help you to increase the probability to make your wishes a reality.”

But Are Vision Boards REALLY the answer?

I was recently at Chalene Johnson’s Smart Success conference and she made a comment the fact that she wasn’t a big fan of vision boards because what if you didn’t reach the goals that you put on your vision board? What if you didn’t get the big house, the fancy car and the piles of money? Would you consider yourself a failure at that point? Many do, unfortunately.

This got me to thinking…hmmm…what if we could turn the vision board concept around and start thinking differently. What if we created journey boards instead of or at least along with our vision boards? So many times we forget how far we have come because we haven’t gotten to our end goal yet. We never really honor our journey and the small successes along the way because we still are looking at those big things we want, right? I know I have been guilty of this for sure!

So what’s a journey board and how would it work?

I did a Periscope on this and you can listen in to my thoughts on it:

My vision for a journey board is exactly the same EXCEPT that it tells the story! The story of how you started, your first dollar in your business, the first 100 Facebook fans, the first tweet, the first client you got from social media, etc. For example, some may looks at my Twitter following of 458k followers and think, wow, I can’t ever get that many followers. The reality is that I started with zero followers over 7 years ago! We all start at the same place and the journey and the results are different for everyone. Every experience we have in our businesses is a stepping stone to somewhere else. Sometimes we feel like we take one step forward and three steps back but that’s part of the journey as well!

If we took the time to see how far we have come instead of beating ourselves up about how far we had to go, I think this would be a huge boost to our entrepreneurial spirits :-)! Not only can you see your journey but it will be a record of that journey when you do reach the successes you have on your vision board!

Now that we have answered the question of what is a vision board and how does it work AND we challenged the idea that it might not be the only way to move us forward, who is ready to build a journey board? Do YOU think it’s a good idea? Would love your thoughts! Please leave your comment below :-).